10 REALLY Important Interview Tips
Have this ready, practice in the mirror, with friends...... over and over again
- "Your Why" and "Why You? What is your unique selling proposition? Imagine you are in the lift on the way to your first interview and you meet the CEO on the way up. He sees your name badge for the interview day, introduces himself and then asks "why are you here today" "why should we hire you". This is unlikely to happen of course. BUT you will be asked these 2 questions in some shape or form in every interview. ITS SURPRISING HOW POOR THE ANSWER OFTEN IS!
- "Why the Company?" - So many of you do not do sufficient research. The quality of your research shows your DRIVE & COMMITMENT TO SUCEED. You need know latest market news, recent accolades, deals, areas of expertise, competitors, share price...... be a pro!
- Make sure that you CAN expand on every detail of your CV. If you note an impressive work experience and make bold statements about what you did there, make sure that you can really talk about it in detail during the interview. If you cannot - remove it!
- Do not make anything up! If you do not know how to answer a question - tell your interviewer you are unsure of the answer. If it's a market knowledge question, try suggesting that you discuss something that you do know about instead. Your interviewer will be pleased that you can think on your feet and offer a solution.
- Always ask a question if you are offered to do so. Ideally pull one from the content of the interview you have just had. If you cannot think of one, have one prepared and up your sleeve? EG ask the interviewer what they think the challenges the company faces in the future or how they feel you have interviewed and if they have any constructive comments for you.
- Practice brain teasers, have a pen and paper ready
- DO NOT GOOGLE ANSWERS DURING A TELEPHONE INTERVIEW - but it is a good idea to have a check list in front of you with key info on the company, (financials etc), your pre-prepared question, other key tips such as turnover, main locations, in the news, clients and customers, main areas of their business etc
- Don't talk too much! If the interviewer is trying to move on, be sensitive to this. There is a lot to get through and he/she may be satisfied with your answer and want to move on. Even if you don't feel that you have got to the best bit yet!
- Getting a graduate role - whether its a full-time, placement or internship is hugely competitive! Apply for at least 10 companies to maximise your chances of success
- Focus on a division/area within a company. Graduates have little success and end up frustrated with streams of rejections when they "hedge their bets" and apply for multiple functions. Do your research to focus on an area and stick to it.